Friday, April 10, 2009

Blaubeuren Pictures Part I

Okay, so I guess I will start with actually posting the pictures I promised like 2 weeks ago.

The tiny, but well-arranged room that I shared with Katherine. This section is exactly as wide as the bed. The wardrobes are in the entryway, along with the door to the little bathroom, and the entryway is separated by that blue curtain.

They key to the room had a massive keyhanger thing with the number, which I'm pretty sure could double as a deadly weapon. It was heavy too!

Random pictures of around Blaubeuren, taken on the way to the monastery (which is now a boarding school).

The monastery

Left, view of the monastery from the courtyard. Right, looking out the window at the herb garden in the courtyard, which would be much more impressive if it were spring or summer, I'm sure.

The high alter in the monastery, which is quite famous as one of the most impressive in the style.

Some crazy carving at the top of the choir-chairs where the monks sat. It is all one piece.

Graffiti from 1694. There was also graffiti from the famous German poet Hoelderlin from when he went to school here.

A statue of "Die Schoene Lau", who, according to legend, was sent to live in the Blautopf (lit. Blue Pot), which is the natural spring in Blaubeuren and the source of a river, so she could learn how to laugh.

A rather picturesque "Germany" image. Foreground, Blautopf.

Some of the group I hung out with from the class: Me, Katherine, Chari [pronounced Harry] (Charalampos) from Greece, Marie from Denmark, Zsofia from Hungary, and Angelie from Sweden.

On the way to hike up to the castle ruins.

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