Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Wednesday the 18th was Kate's 21st birthday!!! Unfortunately, she was sick most of the day, but after having most of the day to rest she was still able to go out to a nice birthday dinner (yay!)
We went to a restaurant called Alt Hall, which we originally thought was German, but now we think it was Greek. In any case, it was pretty fancy, and really nice.
So, we ordered our drinks (the birthday girl got white wine; pretty fancy). Then it was taking us a long time to order, because it wasn't familiar food and the menu was in German. Kate and I both have decent German, but some food vocab is REALLY specialized, and Courtney and Simona (from Italy), are both new to German. After a while, the waitstaff must have figured out how confused we were, because they brought us English menus, lol! Turns out they had them all along, and we just didn't know to ask! On the other hand, it makes me feel good to think that we are passable enough for them not to give us those right off the bat!

Me - pork made into rolls and filled with sheep-milk cheese.
It was pretty good, but I had to squish out most of the cheese because it was so strong.
Courtney - some dish that is basically a Gyro minus the pita bread.
Kate - Calamari
Simona - Something that looks like lasagna but is apparently the Greek version, made with eggplant and not pasta (this is how she explained it to me, anyway)

Ooooh, and then Courtney and I split ice cream with hot chocolate syrup (which came on the side in, like, a miniature gravy boat), and it was REALLY good.
The wait staff was really nice, and they talked to us, and one of them took a picture with us. It was really fun. That is all.

Sorry I'm not in the picture; I was taking it. I'll try to steal Courtney's pictures. Hey, at least this way you can see who my friends are!!

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