Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Meine Wohnung

My room is on the ground floor of the Wohnheim, which is really nice because I don't have to go up and down a bunch of stairs (just about 5; the ground floor is split-level). It's pretty big, mostly because it's supposed to be a double-room, but the other slot was never filled, so I basically have a single room. :)

This is a really cool window in my room facing out to a terraced garden sort of thing in between this Wohnheim and the house next to it. It looks like a porch door, but it's not. The first time I turned that handle in the middle to open it, I thought it was, and it really scared me when it dropped open a couple inches at the top, hinged at the bottom; I thought I'd broken it. Then I realized it's supposed to do that, lol.
Here you can also see my little living chair and the desk lamp.

This is my bed and my desk. Yes, I know the bed looks kind of like a couch. Oh well. The mattress is this weird, stiff foam sort of material that could take a little getting used to, and the pillow is enormous, like, twice the size of a pillow at home (it's a big square), which is pretty cool. I also have a nifty little reading light over the headboard, which you can't see here.

When you come in the door, there's a little bathroom on the right. It's kind of small, but that's okay. The shower sprays a really direct stream, so you have to be careful not to turn it all the way on or it could be seriously painful. :)
(Maybe it's a little weird that I took a picture of my toilet... If so, please forgive me...)

In the fo
yer-type area, there are two huge wardrobes (I'm only using one...for now...), and also a little refrigerator, which will come in handy for juice and stuff. By the way, the left-hand door on that wardrobe is about twice that wide, but it's being covered up by the doorway.

1 comment:

  1. The guest house we stayed at in Estonia had windows that would tilt if you turned the handle one way, but they would swing open if you turned the handle the other way.
